Saturday, March 31, 2012

Eye Spy..some fun!

As with any family, holidays are always a fun time to spend with the FD family! We don't have any drunk uncles, but rounding up the kids and getting some good eats is a great way to spend some quality time, right? The Aux thought we'd round folks up for an Easter get together.

We started off with a Potluck lunch. So much good stuff!


We had little bbq sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza chips, sweets and more!!
Many treats for every belly!


Now let's see about those eggs....oh, didn't we mention?

Good eats weren't the only order of the day. We hosted an Easter egg hunt for the kids in the bay! Having waited for what they felt was an eternity, the little ones were chomping at the bit to get the hunt going. Here we have our resident egg inspector making sure everything is in good order. Keep up the good work!
With the fire trucks out of the way, the Aux hid a couple hundred eggs in nooks, crannies and in plain sight.
RELEASE THE HOUNDS!!!!! Everybody get out of the way or get run over cuz the kids are on the loose!

Quick as a fox, find an egg and move on to the next!!



From the bay to the grounds. Makes fnding eggs a heck of a lot easier, don't you agree? Dozens upon dozens of eggs lay waiting to be scooped up and the kids gladly did so.

Plenty of smiles and lots of loot!



And now for the BIG kids. You didn't think we were gonna let our firefighters sit there and look pretty, did you? A second egg hunt was held with a prize for most eggs found!

Just like the little ones, the guys burst out the door and quickly got down to business.
And as with the little ones there were eggs everywhere.Eggs high....

...And low!

Our winner was the Asst Chief who got a restaurant gift card. Praise Jesus (it's Easter after all)!

Just another fun day at the station!

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Day with the Girls

Everybody needs some fun downtime and the gals of the Auxiliary are no different. Our March get-together was a lot of fun. The ladies settled on a cajun menu proposed by our culinary superstar Ms. A.M. Our thanks to the lovely Mrs. R who hosted the group.

We started off with some chocolate dipped treats of strawberries, bananas and sugar wafers.

A little dancing too....more accurately, Just Dance II. "Wii" were having fun!

The goodies were coming along nicely;
some homemade etoufee

 and some bacon wrapped jalapeƱos!

 Mrs. Ch whipped up some virgin margaritas that were yummy!

We sat down to a delicious lunch and good company!

After our meal, the ladies settled in for an afternoon movie.

Safe to say, everyone enjoyed themselves...even our littlest members.

And we all learned something very important; that noone can resist being silly, when there are balloons involved....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Score! Firehouse Goodies...

A big THANKS goes out to the Harbor Ministries Thrift Store of South Houston for their contribution to Station 1!
A future project of the Ladies' Auxiliary is to clean up the kitchen at Station1. One of the things agreed upon was that extra cabinets would be needed to store items currently piled up on folding tables. On a routine visit to the local thrift store, one of our gals spotted THESE:

...a set of cabinets that had JUST been unloaded when they were discovered. Our Aux member asked about the price and when she enquired about having it brought to the station, the Manager decided to DONATE the set! (As long as they were truly for the fire department).

FF McDonnell got help from the Harbor Ministries folks in loading onto the truck.

Thanks so much, Harbor Ministries, for your generous gift!