Monday, November 5, 2012

To Market, To Market....

It was shopping, dancing and BBQ-ing this Saturday at our 2nd annual Old Galveston Road Market Day! The weather was mostly perfect, the vendors were varied and the shoppers were a-plenty!

We were fortunate this year to be delighted with the musical stylings of DJ Joe Lopez. He was gracious enough to donate his time to support the Fire Department. There was dancing, a great musical mix and a little bit of karaoke.

Thanks, Joe, for bringing a lively atmosphere to our event!  Anyone needing a DJ, should give Joe a call. Just email the Auxiliary and we'll be glad to give you his info!

We also thank our vendors who participated in this year's event. There was a great variety of goodies to be found and our vendors were friendly, gifted folks. Our wonderful vendors included:

Hazel Smith of Just our Destiny had some fun accessories. She also helps plan parties, check her out!
Sam and Kellie Snow of KsKandles has some wonderfully fragrant candles.
Aliria Bentancur offered handcrafted and stylish jewelry made from upcycled and natural materials, it's "Eco-Friendly Coloumbian Jewelry".
Mike Wallace of MM-Crafts brought beautiful handcrafted percussion intruments. True craftsmanship.
Clarice Taylor of TaylorMade Scents also brought fragrant candles.
Nicolette Stevens of Damsel in Defense had some awesome safety tools for ladies.

Finally, a big thanks to our volunteers! Friends and family that came out to show their support...ok and pick up a goodie or two. We always appreciate helping hands!

All in all, the Market was a success and a good time! Hope you can be with us next year!